The mind is the sole source of all joy and suffering in the universe.

It’s also the source of every solution to every problem in the universe.

Unfortunately, over a billion minds are currently debilitated by a neurological disorder or mental illness.

Wasted Cognitive Power

That means the cognitive power of
brain cells is being wasted on creating internal universes of misery.

The Greatest Cost to Society

The financial costs of neurological disease are a massive drain of societal resources and make everyone poorer.

The World That Could Be

Imagine a world where the trillions of wasted dollars and billions of debilitated brains were instead used to discover new solutions to disease, poverty, and war.

Why It’s Possible

This world is possible because these diseases are biochemical processes influenced by factors within our control. Progress toward a full medical understanding is being made. There are new discoveries published every day.

Will It Happen In Time?

Whether a treatment becomes available in time to help you or someone you love depends on the pace of research.

The Problem

Medical progress is so deadly slow because it’s very expensive. For example, it costs $41k per participant in a Phase III clinical trial. As a result, it’s not profitable to research the effects of any factor besides a molecule that can be patented.


Drive Down the Cost of Clinical Discovery Through Automation

It is now possible to automate much of the clinical trial and drug approval processes. This could reduce trial costs from $100 million to $2 million per new treatment. Learn how 👇