Public Money Public Code Initiative
Why is software created using taxpayers’ money not released as Free Software?We …
Journal of Citizen Science
We publish our anonymously aggregated analyses at the Journal of Citizen Science. So …
Crowdsourcing Cures App
The Crowdsourcing Cures app collects and aggregates data on symptoms, diet, sleep, …
FDA Mandate Initiative
The FDA's primary mandate should be to maximize human health and safety …
Open Epidemiology Initiative
The CDC should provide a simple website where one can enter any …
Standardized Clinical Trial Outcome Measures
The results from thousands of studies available in a free database at …
Outcome Labels Initiative
Data Quantity Data Sources Several types of data are used to derive …
Posthumous Health Data Donation by Default
Over a billion people are suffering from uncured chronic diseases. Medical progress …
International Biobank Health Data Sharing
Numerous health conditions affecting large parts of the population remain under-researched.  As …
Microbiome Optimization Initiative
There is likely no other area of medical research with more potential …